

Hand in Hand Foundation
Social Dialogue Thetare for people with developmental disabilities: What do you have to say? ("Dignity" topic, Open Society Foundations granted programme)

Egyenlő Esélyekért! Alapítvány
Social Dialogue Thetare for people with developmental disabilities: "Emotions, Values, Interests" (Adulthood" topic; NCA granted programme)

Artemisszió Alapítvány
multilingual playback theatre performances and programmes for immigrant people and for their mentors


Kölcsey Ferenc Secondary School (Budapest)
The oldest partner of our association. Student Forums (Student Advoacy), programme organisation (stork camp, foundation night), Playback Thearte (student group) and integrative work, leadership course, student governance trainings, advocacy, debate and conflict culture training, communication, student journalism and talent programme

Waldorf School in Óbuda
School Dialogue Theater (with Attila Donáth) at Waldorf School Day


E.ON Hungária Zrt. in two of its subsidiaries: a programme supporting social integrationt

HEFOP/2.3.1-05/1. Alternative labor market and employment training for disadvantaged people

Our Playback Theatre partners

Pepita Playback Theatre: AMC (Art for Multicultural Communities)

Project, performances for elderly club of district 6 of Budapest

BP100 festival of the houndred-year-old-houses and their communities in Budapest

Opening Round Central European School of Playback Theatre IAIE Conference 2016 Budapest

Former and actual sponsors

Further partners in Hungary

International partners

  • Ad Hoc Theater (Bécs, Ausztria)
  • Bertha von Suttner Peace-Institute (The Hague, Hollandia)
  • Coordination pour l'éducation à la non-violence et à la paix (Párizs, Franciaország)
  • European University Cyprus (Nycosia, Ciprus)
  • International Network of Museums for Peace (The Hague, Hollandia)
  • Konfliktkultur (Bécs, Ausztria)
  • Manchester City Council (Manchester, Egyesült Királyság)
  • Movimento Internazionale della Riconciliazione (Torino, Olaszország)
  • Panta Rhei Egyesület (Sepsiszetgyörgy, Románia)
  • Paulo Freire Gesellschaft (Berlin, Németország)
  • Tandem (Komárom, Szlovákia)
  • True Heart Theatre (London, Egyesült Királyság)
  • Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien (Bécs, Ausztria)
  • YMCA Ukraine (Kijev, Ukrajna)